

2024-06-04 15:20:03编辑:admin -人已围观





  1. 英语作文我的学校现在和以前的变化5个句子
  2. 【初一英语句子的基本成分】 初一英语短语



〖Two〗、The school used to have only a row of dilapidated low brick houses, no playground, garden. At that time, when I was young, I often went to school with my elder brother and sister. I played outside when they were in class. Sometimes I would lie outside the crack of the brick wall to watch them read and do their homework with the teacher.


〖Four〗、In the past, the classroom of the school was still strewn with wood to support the falling roof. In retrospect, it's really incredible. I don't know how they learned in the harsh environment of"mud on sunny days and ashes on rainy days".


〖Six〗、Until I went to school, in the first grade, the school began to rebuild. Because it is newly built on the original basis, the students of our school are scattered to the nearby farmers' homes for classes. The old classroom was torn down into piles of bricks and tiles.


〖Eight〗、Six months later, a beautiful new teaching building sprang up, a total of 12 classrooms on three floors, pink tiles, white walls and tall flagpoles, surrounded by walls. All these changes excite us.


〖Ten〗、After we moved into the new classroom, the teacher took the senior students to carry bricks and build gardens, pools and rockeries. In front of the teaching building, lawn was paved, Osmanthus fragrans, pine and other plants were planted, and peony, chuanchuanhong, golden chrysanthemum, Gladiolus and other beautiful plants were planted in the flower beds.


1〖Two〗、Now, our school is full of green grass and flowers all year round. The beautiful campus has become a beautiful scenery deep in the mountains. It adds infinite vigor and vitality to my hometown.


[Two]、【初一英语句子的基本成分】 初一英语短语


〖One〗、The sun rises in the east.

〖Two〗、Twenty years is a short time in history.

〖Three〗、The poor are now living in the shelter.

〖Eight〗、It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.

简单谓语:由动词或动词词组组成 I复合谓语:由情态动词或助动词+动词;


2. We have finished reading this book.




He bought his girlfriend some flowers.

2. He likes to play basketball.

3. We enjoy listening to the music.

4. She said that he felt sick.

5. They are talking about the new student.


1)表感官的动词: feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem等。

2)表转变变化的动词: become, get, grow, turn, go等。

3)表延续的动词: remain, keep, hold, stay, rest等。

2. They are on the playground.

3. My job is teaching English.


The black bike is mine.(形容词)

The boy in blue is Jim.(介词短语)

I have nothing to do today.(动词不定式)(名词)(数词)


注意:〖One〗、当定语修饰不定代词如:nothing, anything, everything, something等时,定语要放在其后作后置定语。例如: I tell him something interesting. 〖Two〗、不定式、短语或从句作定语时,也放在被修饰的名词之后。例如: The boys who are in the room are playing games.


2. She is a chemistry teacher.

3. The man in blue is my pother.

4. The girl playing the piano is my younger sister.

5. The lady who is wearing red dress is our new teacher.



〖Two〗、表示时间、地点、目的的状语一般位于句子两头,强调时放在句首。 In order to cheer him up, I told him the truth.

They are writing English in the classroom.



2. I really don’t like the food.

3. He did his homework carefully at home.

4.Her mother goes out to do some shopping on Sunday.

5. When I grow up, I am going to be a doctor.

有些及物动词除了有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补足语,说明宾语的身份和状态以补充其意义不足,使句子的意义完整。这类常用的及物动词有: make, consider, cause, see, find, call, get, have, let.宾语补足语:和宾语构成复合宾语。宾语和宾补之间存在内在逻辑上的主谓关系。找出下列句子的宾语补足语:

1. They elected John monitor.

3. The doctor told me to do more exercise.

5. He is going to have his hair cut.

6. They saw a bird flying in the sky.


W e young people should respect the old.(名词)

He himself will do the experiment.(代词)

He is the oldest among them four.(数词)

He told me the news that our team won the game.(从句)


Tags: 英语 句子
